Research & Awards
Government and scientific publications supporting our shark repellent:
- NOAA bycatch Reduction engineering report to Congress:NOAA Report
- NOAA document detailing our chemical shark repellents: NOAA Report
- Research documents: Research
- Research Publication: Chemical references
10 Grants Government – NOAA, National Science FoundationInstitutions- Michigan State, Save Our Seas Foundation
20+ scientific journals
2 time winner of WWF international SmartGear competition
Great Lakes Commission and non-profit organizations.
- Previous first place and recent 2014 1st runner up for the WWF International Smartgear Competition
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded Shark Defense Technologies and Key West Community College with a $234,311 grant to develop the product in the field.
- 2009. Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program, FY 2009. “Process for Converting Shark Discards into a Shark Bycatch Reduction Technology”.
- 2010. Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Development of a Putrefaction-Derived Repellent for the Sea Lamprey.
- 2010. Michigan State University, Center for Water Sciences Venture Grant.
- Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences article mention